Vellus Wonder Powder
Vellus Wonder Powder provides instant texture and body. Pure White!
Vellus Wonder Powder provides instant texture and body. Pure White!
Vellus Wonder Powder provides instant texture and body. Pure White!
For instant texture and body, apply a small amount of Vellus Chalk Booster to palm and rub hands together, gently apply upward against the coat. Then apply Vellus Wonder Powder with your Vellus Powder Brush. The coat will be left fluffed and full of body.
Not only does Wonder Powder provide instant texture and body, but it will also make a white coat whiter when applied to a damp coat while working wonderfully on all coats, any color. This Powder is truly wonderfully effective!
Wonder Powder also gently cleans by absorption. Dust coat lightly and work Wonder Powder into the coat. Then brush out with your Vellus Powder Brush. When Wonder Powder is sprinkled into a damp coat, it absorbs liquid and dries instantly. This saves drying time and is wonderful for use in cold weather or when drying is a problem.
• Instant texture and body
• Ideal for last minute cleaning before entering the show ring.
• Smooths tangles and makes combing and brushing easier.
• Enhances the natural beauty of your dog or cat’s coat.
• Gentle, non-toxic, contains no abrasives, and is wonderfully effective.